Do you want to learn guitar?
Chord Savvy® is here to help with three options below for beginners.
Beginner Guitar
Course Guide
(.pdf only)
What's Included?
117 page Course Guide .pdf
(NO videos)
This downloadable course guide .pdf explains the basics of guitar, tuning, strumming, and mindset of learning. It then outlines how to play 24 chords (12 major and 12 minor) through open and barre chord shapes, while also providing a range of Chord Dexterity drills, homework, and other resources to help you learn guitar. NOTE: no video content.
Beginner Guitar
Quick Course
(video and .pdf)
What's Included?
12 Videos
1.2 hours of content
22 page Course Guide .pdf
This Quick Course covers the basics of how a guitar works, tuning up, and the mindset of learning. Next we cover the basics of strumming to apply to learning the 4 most common beginner chords (E Minor, G Major, D Major, and C Major). This course is designed to be a quick, low-cost entry into online lessons, which then enables you to either go it on your own or upgrade to another comprehensive course in your effort to learn cover songs and/or create your own songs.
Beginner Guitar
Full Course
(video and .pdf)
What's Included?
45 Videos
5.5 hours of content
117 page Course Guide .pdf
This Full Course goes into great detail on understanding how your guitar works, mindset of learning, comprehensive approaches to tuning, and details on strumming and striking the strings. Then we dive into how to play 24 chords on guitar (12 major and 12 minor chords) by covering the most common open chord and barre chord shapes. Introduction to power chords is also included. Basic music theory is covered on all chords to help you understand the fretboard and how these chords are assembled. There are also comprehensive Chord Dexterity drills, Check Yourself! lessons, and homework assignments to reinforce the learning. You can then tackle cover songs or write your own music. ROCK ON!
Click here for a FREE SAMPLE Course Guide .pdf
What is Chord Savvy®?
Chord Savvy® is a music education and entertainment ecosystem designed to:
1) Teach beginners how to play guitar,
2) Teach cover songs,
3) Explore the craft of songwriting,
4) Share original songs, and
5) Share musical travel experiences.